Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
[Approved]~~~ [Regular Application] - {bungle_TRPG} - [Oct. 12, 2010] ~~~
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11731761
In-game name: bungle_TRPG
Real Name: Luis
Age: 23
Country: United States(California)
When I am on: I usually get on for at least a couple hours after work in the evening.
RND servers I play: I only play TTT now, but I will check out ZS today. I like ZS. :]
Why I should have regular: Anyone who has played with me knows I make every effort to play fair and not RDM and most of all just have a good time. I like this server and I love TTT and the RND TTT server is the only one I really have enjoyed so far, so it would be a bad idea for me to abuse regular(and hopefully VIP in the future) if I get it. I feel I can be trusted and hope you all agree. Thank you for your consideration.
4 days. no replies. please lock/delete. i will repost at a later date(again :( )
Well, the instructions in the sticky say three days... or else I'd wait longer. :P
Hey hey hey Wait a sec
Approved give the link of this topic to an ingame admin for reg
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