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[Perm] [HACKER]"doritos are yummy" aimbotting.

(1/4) > >>

1. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37311111

2. Hackers name: doritos are yummy

3. My Name: pryvisee

4. Server: Tripple Titties. (TTT)

5. Description: Just someone hacking.. Total aimbotter.

6. Reason: Aimbot..?  :idk:

7. YouTube Proof:

TTT Hacker Report
OR Demo's:

Vegas kinda took a shit with rendering, so I included the demos. So if you don't believe the YT video, you'll definitely rethink your thoughts if you view the demos. :)

[TTPN] ShadowMoon:
Yes, headshotted 7+ people with rifle.
Somehow also having sethhack, when cactus bought a knife, he instant got killed by him.
Definitely  :thumbsup:

This Cactus:

Thanks for the video proof but... I think I'll wait a bit for the servers to come up to lock any more reports, seeing as Xrain hasn't been on and able to deal with any bans. Sorry.


--- Quote from: Sabb on June 02, 2012, 11:10:06 AM ---Thanks for the video proof but... I think I'll wait a bit for the servers to come up to lock any more reports, seeing as Xrain hasn't been on and able to deal with any bans. Sorry.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, true.. I'll keep reporting though if anything happens. I hate hackers.


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