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Promotions Discussion


I think it'd be a great idea to have Prox, Shockah, gamefreak, and POSSIBLY... BIG emphasise on the POSSIBLy... Franklin.
There are minor issues with each of them, but over all after very thoroughly thinking this through... I think that they would be good for the promotions. If coolz decides to agree with me and promote.

I disagree with some of Prox's views on Jman and the fact that he complains about minor things too much, and he will still dislike Jman, but I don't think that should affect his position if he were to be promoted. Not to mention, he's active, and from what I see, can manage situations fairly well, and pays a lot of attention in-game.

For Shockah, he's simply a great guy. Seems really unbiased in his decisions, he's smart, knows how to deal with situations well, etc. Really probably the ideal person to promote. Also active. Only drawback is that some people will complain, as he hasn't been in RND for terribly long (just over a year, maybe year and a half), and has been VIP for only a month or two, but I don't think that we should simply not promote him for that as I believe he would contribute a lot and cause little if any problems.

gamefreak has had many issues, yes. But so has Jman. He has done many things in the past, many of which could literally have gotten him permanently banned. He didn't however, and has changed. The same can and does apply to gamefreak. He admits he is manipulative, but since he was unbanned he has entirely quite doing any sort of manipulating of admins, hacking, etc, and as far as I know has NEVER had problems with rule breaking. He's currently active, says he will be even more so as of the summer, and is pretty intelligent. Like Prox, I don't agree with all of his views either, mainly to have to do with Jman, but I don't think this will affect his position either. He's simply been a very good and helpful player, telling me several times of hackers, rule breakers, etc. As well, he's got some ideas to help further improve the administration team to help manage the servers. I do, now, strongly think he should be promoted.

For Franklin, he does seem to think very... very differently than some of us. But, overall he does understand rules fairly thoroughly and does manage the server well, and rarely slips up to my understanding. His difference in thinking and problem solving may be different, but I don't think that will mean he will make bad decisions. The only thing is, coolz mentioned to me something that may form an issue. I've been trying to talk to him since to get further detail and the significance of the issue, but haven't been able to yet. coolz, if you read this thread it would be helpful if you could clarify if Franklin does have a chance or not, etc, and state any outstanding opinions or points on any of the above people.

Now, I'd like these suggestions to be discussed, but it would really be best if everyone could keep personal bias out of their posts and opinions. Obviously, I'm talking about you simply not liking one of the people. I'm not exactly close friends with everyone on that list or anything, but I do think that they could all be good admins, and so my personal opinion or relationship with them, w.e, doesn't matter.


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