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[Perma] Kc6060 - Sethack
Name: Kc6060
My Name: Pilgrim
Playing with a few people, Kc6060 comes on on Crummycradle and successfully calls out the traitor at the
start of the round twice in a row (don't have these recorded) So I decided to record.
The second round on crazy cubes, he does it again. the only reason he doesn't on the first is because i shot him quickly.
Reason: Hacking (sethack)
Second Round.
This Is one of my first reports so sorry in advance if it is not great
Not sure if my opinion counts.
But he was laughing during the whole period that alluded to him using Sethhacks to hax.
--- Quote ---The second round on crazy cubes.
--- End quote ---
Dat callout. Seconds into the round, no one ded.
Other than not being able to see the Crummycradle incident/s, +1
Yeah it would have been nice to get more evidence, but I generally don't record unless I'm sure someone is hacking/know they are going to rule break.
After I told the people in game I was doing the report he immediately stopped and made same bullshit excuse.
Either way, the demo shows him clearly calling the traitor out seconds into the round.
Although this is an older report, that doesn't mean he shouldn't get away with hacking, even if it was on the temp servers.
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