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Stealing Don's VIP app the easy way!

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--- Quote from: DoeniDon on October 12, 2010, 11:04:11 AM ---fixed now

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nice shit britfag


--- Quote from: Moo on October 12, 2010, 11:02:55 AM ---personally i dont think its stealing if don is putting it out there, i think its more of a very good example on how to do your applications, that you can easily use to model after, obviously changes are needed to fit the person who is applying and what they are applying for, does not mean they shouldnt get a +1

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I'm talking about if they just copy this whole part

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Why I should be VIP:
1. I was never reported as an Abuser or as a minge.
2. I'm online A LOT, meaning I could help a lot in keeping the servers minge-free. Also, I'm active on Flood, unlike most other people.
3. Most people that have met me in-game (minges excluded) like me, and in general I can say I'm a nice person.
4. I am very patient with minges, meaning that I don't kick for first-offences. I give two to three warnings before starting a votekick, except in a few cases (such as RDMing his traitor buddy or the detective in TTT unprovoked).
5. I try to not hold a grudge against anyone, meaning everytime someone rejoins, they haven't done anything. This doesn't count on people minging all the time, of course.
6. I try to react to most calls for help in the servers, no matter on which server it comes from.
[Edit, add or delete reasons the easy way!]

Why I want to be VIP:
[Change however you want to change it]


Someone is prop pushing on Flood
1. First warning.
-> keep doing: Second Warning
-> still keeps doing: Start a votekick for prop pushing.
-> Joins back, keeps prop pushing: Give a last warning.
-> If the subject is still acting wrong: Start a voteban for continous prop pushing after several warnings.
-> If person comes back, still prop pushes: Start another voteban, if nothing, tell an admin/report.

People are money rounding in Flood
1. I will tell them that they won't get any money from it.
-> if they keep doing it: tell them a second time that it is useless and also give a warning.
-> if they still keep it up: Give them a last warning, then starting a countdown for them to jump.
-> if they have no intention to jump during and after the countdown: Start a votekick on the one with the most money.
-> they come back and money round again: give them one final chance to stop.
-> if stupidity wins over their common sense: Start a voteban on one of them, most likely the one with the most money.
-> if comes back and keeps doing: Start another voteban, if continous behaviour, tell an admin or report on the forum.

Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
1. I ask them why they did it.
-> if it was an accident or after the other traitor buddy tried to kill them: leave it be, tell them to not do it again. If the second situation occurs, warn the other person.
-> if person does it again on 'accident': Start a votekick for RDMing a fellow traitor twice.
-> if it was on purpose: Start a votekick on them for RDMing fellow traitors.
-> if they come back and do it again: Start another votekick.
-> if person does it a third time: Start a voteban.

RDMing the detective as an innocent
1. Ask the person why they RDMed the Detective
-> if it was because the Detec was randomly shooting people: Leave it be, check how many people the detective killed
-> if it was for no reason: Start a votekick on the person.
Refer to the list above to see further consequences.

Someone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and Flood)
1. Tell the person to stop glitching and give instructions on how to suicide.
-> if person doesn't have a console: tell him/her to rejoin the server.
-> if person does have a console, but won't suicide: Warn him/her another time to suicide or rejoin.
-> if he/she still keeps glitching: Start a votekick for glitching/holding up the round.
-> if he/she comes back and glitches again on purpose: Give one final warning.
-> still nothing: Start a voteban.
-> if comes back and keeps doing: Give one warning, then start a voteban for repeated glitching after several warnings.

Someone is using a name changer
I would try to ban the name changer by myself in the server, and if that's not possible, I would get the SteamID and report the subjct to an admin.

Someone is using an aimbot
1. I would keep an eye on them (suiciding early on to spectate them). Get SteamID.
-> if it's just skill: I'd tell the people that just because someone is good, doesn't mean they use aimbots.
-> if it's getting weird (turning around the corner instantly shooting three people in the head): Keep watching. If anything similar happens again, start a votekick on them for using Aimbots.
-> if person keeps using aimbots: Repeat procedure above, if confirmed use of it, start a voteban.
-> person still uses hax after all: report on the forums.

Someone is using speedhacks
Exact same procedure as described above.

Someone is mic-spamming, general population wants him/her gone
I would tell them how to mute people and that mic spamming is not a kick/bannable offense

Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
1. Tell them to stop.
-> if person listens: everything's okay.
-> if he/she keeps up the disrespective behaviour: Warn them another time.
-> still no intention of stoping: Start a votekick for their behaviour.
-> comes back, keeps up the behaviour: Warn them one last time, saying I will voteban him/her if he/she doesn't stop.
-> keeps it up: Start a voteban for repeated disrespective behaviour.
I have no problem with people using the format, but i want to know how they will handle things not the way Don handles things Lol

Because if you haven't really played with the person you're going to be judging based on what they write... and i can't just +1 someone knowing they stole word for word from what another member wrote...

Well, obviously, the reasons why I want to be VIP and situations were left there for a reference. If anyone really copies them 1:1, then ... well ... No comment.
It's supposed to give a short overview of what you should include in these sections.

chances are no noes gonna copy it word for word, if they do I can always ban, i like banning, its fun


--- Quote from: Moo on October 12, 2010, 11:12:55 AM ---chances are no noes gonna copy it word for word, if they do I can always ban, i like banning, its fun

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You'd be surprised just watch someone is going to copy it for word for word Lol I just had to say it in this thread so people will go "If i copy it for word for word, i won't get a +1" so they know to actually write it themselfs Lol


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