Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Stone Cold Ban

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Stone Cold:
Hi.  F***in' Stone Cold has returned to raise HELL. lol
     No, actually I'm here to say that I, Stone Cold, have found another server to play on.  I don't play different servers or different games. Before I was banned for no good reason, I lived on this one server and playing this one game.  I was , and still am, one of the best. I've never cheated. I've never tried to look up hacks.  I just play a simple , basic game using my common sense.  I got damn good at being able to read a Traitor by their actions or their words. I was the number one player of this server. Number One.  And I was banned for no reason.
     Do not try and tell me different. I was there. Not you. Not even the admin that banned me.  He wasn't, and probably still isn't a regular to this one server that I lived on. This was a big part of my life. All the admin that I played with regular were okay with my style of play. One that I asked many times about my game said that I was not doing anything wrong.
     I'm not going through the minute by minute of what happened again back when I was banned. I have a feeling that these responsible are still in power and even if I could say the right things to get back on the server, it would just happen again.  I never did anything wrong.  My score was proof that I played a good game. Yes, once in a while i would make a mistake and shoot wrong person , but that's not even why this happened. It's because I got to damn good at the game and some players with their powers were able to stop me from being the last man standing.
     Let me wrap this up.  I've found another server that I call home. The owner of the server is serious about keeping the game on a fair and professional level so it's fun for all.  I am friends with most all of the admin because I always play by the rules, and also because I add a little life to the game. I do play more carefully not to make first move against Traitors without proof.  Other players on the server are stealing my light hearted quotes.  A lot of players get a kick out of Stone Cold's style of play. Some players on your server remember the fun of playing with Stone Cold.
     Lift the ban and Stone Cold will make a special appearance every once in a while TO RAISE SOME HELL AND DRINK SOME BEER WITH SOME OLD FRIENDS. and for all you F***in' Stone Cold fans out there, GIMME A HELL YEAH!

Christ, man. I'm all for your unban but at least follow the format or press the enter key a few times.

I'll take your HELL YEAH

and tell you to


I don't even remember you, but you sound like a horrible person.


--- Quote from: Stone Cold on May 25, 2012, 11:42:01 PM --- AND DRINK SOME BEER WITH SOME OLD FRIENDS. and for all you F***in' Stone Cold fans out there, GIMME A HELL YEAH!

--- End quote ---

You Realise this is a game right?

I don't even know what he just fucking said.


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