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Cake Faice:
>the 9gag fanbase.
There's much worse out there.

Maybe there should be a rule, if anybody posts any pony related thing outside the MLP thread.

Ban or DDOS


--- Quote from: Yoshi on May 25, 2012, 06:00:33 PM ---Maybe there should be a rule, if anybody posts any pony related thing outside the MLP thread.


--- End quote ---

Don't get your hopes up. I've been trying to get that rule in for about a year now.

No dice.

The Ghost Of Anony Mouse:

--- Quote from: Purpal on May 25, 2012, 03:34:16 PM ---oh my god the homostuck fandom, it was so bad because the friends I used to have who read it started talking to me in "terezi language" and other shit like that, mlp is not even close to how bad it is. I just stopped reading it because of them, but after reading it for a while it started to not make much sense even if you read the hour-long texts on EVERY PAGE.

I also think that's one of the main places that ":1" face came from.
holy shit that face please kill it.

--- End quote ---

i also hate children from the homosuck fandom joining a tf2 server with a homestuck name using their typing shit



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