Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

(12/October/10) IzzettIzam's Reg app

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Hello :D Here's my resume : In-game name: [N3XT].:RND`=- IzzettIzam :Dâ„¢ Steam id : STEAM_0:1:22261451 Why I want to be Reg : I want the ability to use more tools in wirebuild, vote and other stuff. I use HLDJ in-game and owns Garry's Mod, Portal, Counter Strike:Source, Team Fortress 2,Half-Life 2:DeathMatch and Lost Coast. I was Reg before Coolz changed the ranks. :( So, that is all. I hope you guys post good comments and peace out!

PhysicX M.D.:
This guy is great.Ive played with him on many servers.He shud become reg. :thumbsup:

Today is the first time I have seen him,  probably because I stay in my corner of the server world known as TTT.  But he seemed to know the rules and didn't minge sooo I say yes to Reg.  :thumbsup:

schreii, not your steam custom url, your steam id.

here is your steam id: STEAM_0:1:22261451

and +1


--- Quote from: iPounce on October 12, 2010, 04:11:35 AM ---schreii, not your steam custom url, your steam id.

here is your steam id: STEAM_0:1:22261451

and +1

--- End quote ---
Owh, I didn't realized that lol I copied something else. :S P.S. : Thx btw.


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