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just went job searching

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1) I will work at either Publix (more like pube-licks), a bagel place, or a junior fashion store if I'm desperate enough

2) When bike riding, any angle more than around 35 degrees is trouble. Both my knees and the area between my shoulder blades learned the hard way.

3) Never sanitize a cut with whiskey.


--- Quote from: Seb on May 15, 2012, 03:08:20 PM ---1) I will work at either Publix (more like pube-licks), a bagel place, or a junior fashion store if I'm desperate enough

2) When bike riding, any angle more than around 35 degrees is trouble. Both my knees and the area between my shoulder blades learned the hard way.

3) Never sanitize a cut with whiskey.

--- End quote ---

I'll keep 2 and 3 in mind. Which job are you looking more forward to?


--- Quote from: Astropilot on May 15, 2012, 03:09:13 PM ---I will keep 2 and 3 in mind. Which job are you look more forward to?

--- End quote ---

Bagel place or Pube-licks.

Captain Communism:
Bagels get all the bitches.

But seriously, go with the bagel place.
Around half of my friends who work/worked at Publix have experiences of the store getting robbed.

just dont get caught using the bagels as ---



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