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What Visualizer do? And yes we know that there is some hologram happening to an area where Visualizer placed.

We don't know who is that guy who killed this guy.

How does Visualizer work? I don't know if this one needs DNA scanner.

Yea it holograms the stances and locations of when the killer killed him. Now what this shows exactly is what gun the killer had by looking at his hands holding positions.
 You can tell where the killer was. Lets say we are playing in crazy cubes.
 You see a guy die. Put down visualizer. And Bam you see a shot(line) leading from the body to the traitor or rdmer.
They can be in the same place they were when they killed him. Or they might be stupid and be sniping the the floating cubes.
 And since he can't get off unless he is at a point where he can you can be pretty sure he killed him.
OR possible a guy can remember the position of the killer and know who it was.

If there is more.. someone please post

Pretty Useless in my opinion


--- Quote from: rocket50 on October 11, 2010, 07:20:52 PM ---Pretty Useless in my opinion

--- End quote ---

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