Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[2 Months (ALL) Dulluzions & The Dude

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--- Quote from: Foofoojack on April 30, 2012, 06:24:55 PM ---this

Can someone please take action on this report? These guys are making the server HORRIBLE to play on.

We definitely need more admin/VIP activity.

--- End quote ---

I'd play more often if our system didn't fucking suck.

You guys do realize that we CAN'T do anything right?
I'm on TTT quite often and I manage the server while I'm there but that's pretty much all I, and all other admins, can do.
Since it's temp servers, we have NO way of banning users by Steam ID, or if we're out of game. So that means that both the admin and the person being banned have to be in the server or no one can be banned. In other words, pretty much making reports useless. ATM at least. The reports can still be watched and the player banned in-game if we see them, but I actually haven't caught one person that had a report on them back in-game.

Pretty much what Sabb said.

It's not like we don't want to help, it's just that we can't. At all.


--- Quote from: Samo8412 on April 30, 2012, 11:05:13 PM ---If he's ever in the servers when I am , I'll be sure to get him and his ghosting buddy.

--- End quote ---

I plan to start being active again, though only a VIP .-.

Okay both batman and Dullizions or w.e will have 2 months of a ban... though I think batman is actually banned right now. Or was. And it would be nice if you had The Dude's Steam ID too but oh well. If you for what ever reason still have his ID, PM it to me or something.


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