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Knife on TTT gamemode

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Let me demostrate what happened with me and a detective because of this...

 :darkbluepacmanghost: = me    :peachpacmanghost: = detective    :darkbluepacmanghost: :knife: = me holding knife      :knife: :peachpacmanghost: = Knife hit    :knife: :( :peachpacmanghost: = knife missed.    ->  =  following    <-> =  character turns around

 :darkbluepacmanghost: ->  :peachpacmanghost: 
 :darkbluepacmanghost: :knife: ->  :peachpacmanghost:
 :darkbluepacmanghost:               :knife: :( :peachpacmanghost:
 :darkbluepacmanghost:               :knife: :( :peachpacmanghost:
 :darkbluepacmanghost:               :knife: :( :peachpacmanghost:
 :darkbluepacmanghost:               :knife: :( :peachpacmanghost:
 :darkbluepacmanghost:                :knife: :peachpacmanghost:
 :darkbluepacmanghost:                    <->  :peachpacmanghost:
 :darkbluepacmanghost: =  :abuse:

For those who dont understand my picture.... I epicly missed the knife 5 times while following him.. and when i got the hit....HE noticed me....I was confused why he didnt die... I die

 ya i fukin hate the  :knife: and traitors will die easier make it back to 1 hit so i can be a   :ninja:
i will give u  :cake: :cake: :cake: if u change

You know whats the major glitch about this knife?

1. Stab someone
2. Kill him with a gun
3. Repeat step 1-2.

You can use the knife until you dont kill someone with a knife.

O shi*! Mybe it's not bug, maybe it's feature ^_^.


--- Quote from: Peetah on October 10, 2010, 01:17:34 PM ---Need akimbo knifes.

--- End quote ---
lmao, i wonder what its like.

Off-topic: fuck yea i'm UBERMENSCH


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