Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Multiple Map Exploiters.


1. Names:
[*].:RND`=-Lovesmalinois -=
[*]the dragon titan master
2. SteamID's (Same order):

3. My in-game name: Doubleedge.

4. Server Name: Zombie Survival.

5. Description of the event(s): Well, we were playing on the map Inversion and them 6 players were the last ones, I caught them with a demo andI've got console shots too for proof of their steamIDs. What they did was map exploit which I believe is against the rules, it was unfair and they were outside the map boundries, we don't know how they got out, but not even the fast zombies could get to them, so I decided to make this topic to get them punished for their actions.

6. Reason for ban: Exploiting.

7.Screenshots or Demo(s) | Option console log(s):

Player names:

Player SteamID's:


I hope you punish these players as it's unfair to the people who actually want to play properly but have people like this just ruining the game for others.

Good report. :thumbsup:

Just helping the community by reporting rulebreakers.

Good Report But No action will be taken at this time. I have coded a simple lua script to stop this from happening and ill give it to coolz later today but even if they do it again within this day I will hand out 2 day bans.

Its Now Fixed By me :)


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