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New Traitor/Detective Weapon

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In Trouble in Terrorist Town i think there should be a traitor landmine. The innocent can only see the tip of it and its really hard to see, but there is a beeping noise like the C4 only the pitch gets higher when you get close to it. So, Mr RoflCopter, how will they know EXACTLY where the landmine is? Thats where the detectives come in. The detectives weapon is called 'Mine Defuser Kit' which includes a defuser that take 10seconds to defuse the bomb and then pick it up, but to find where the bomb actually is you have to use the Mine Locator which is like the dna scanner but for every scan you have to use 1 credit and you dont have to get any dna from anywhere. The scans results will stay on the screen (like the dna's result) for 15 seconds. So simply if a person walks over it, it will explode. The radius is equal to 3 knifes tip to end and the blast radius is 7 knifes tip to end (i couldnt get anything else to measure). If an innocent sees it, the only thing he can do is report to a detective but cant shoot it. If a fellow traitor walks over it, the will not die and it will not explode. It can be placed on walls, floor and people (if you want to die also). When you plant it you have 5 seconds to run away until it is killable. If a detective scans without hearing beeping noises, he lost his credits. I hope this get added.  :thumbsup:

» Magic «:


--- Quote from: » Magic « on October 10, 2010, 11:54:42 AM ---Tl;Dr

--- End quote ---

i say nope.avi


--- Quote from: » Magic « on October 10, 2010, 11:54:42 AM ---Tl;Dr

--- End quote ---
I dun get it!?


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