Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Blazing Cold's Appeal from Forum...

(1/2) > >>

[TTPN] ShadowMoon:
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:33182244)

2. Players Nickname: Blazing Cold

3. Your in-game name: ExcApplejack

4. Server name: -

5. Description of the event(s): Apparently, even though he had been unbanned from servers, he is still banned from forum...

6. Reason for appeal: Banned from forum, previously misunderstanding ban from server.

Tell him to use a less obvious proxy next time.

[TTPN] ShadowMoon:

--- Quote from: Servine M.D. on April 05, 2012, 03:04:50 AM ---Tell him to use a less obvious proxy next time.

--- End quote ---

What you mean by proxy...
PS: My English level is low, so please don't judge me, thank you.

I'm am idiot disregard my posts, no idea what I'm talking about kthnx.


--- Quote from: Shockah on April 05, 2012, 07:48:32 AM ---I was just thinking to myself if this was him. You just confirmed my suspicions.

--- End quote ---
If you mean Stone Cold, it definitely isn't Stone Cold. He does have a proxy though, but I'm absolutely certain it's not him.


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