Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved


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--- Quote from: Shockah on April 02, 2012, 04:34:33 PM ---I think after what he's posted on his appeals the rest of the temp server should do just fine. Another 2-3 months won't hurt him and that's a compromise it could have been permanent.

--- End quote ---

I kinda have to agree with Toast, Shockah, and mostly Sabb.

I say he can stay off for another month, as much as I like him.

find another server

Dark Pacifist:
He want's to come back .
Ultimately I'd rather have stone afking that screechy kids rdming. Or Mr.tom showing up.
He somewhat has chilled, most involved with him being banned have chilled.
Why not give him a new start for now since if he reverts we have active admins/vips that can handle it.
He has accepted that his attitude over it was part of the reason.
(Though he still doesn't accept why he got banned and still blames me for it lol)
If he stops posting appeals could the ban be shortened?


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