Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Stone Cold's Ban

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Stone Cold:
STEAM_0:1:40757497 44:43, F***in' Stone Cold, TTT. 
     Good evening. Snivly, or whatever your name is, this long ban for me doing nothing wrong when it happened is very childish.  You are in the wrong and of course not man enough to admit it and let me play the game I paid for. I played every day. Every day. That's not an exageration.  And I also said I would be more careful not to make so many mistakes.  Problem was that I knew who I was playing with and things they were going to do and even what they are going to say.  How, you ask?  Like I said to start with. I lived in this game . It was a big part of my life.  And I hate that I am powerless to do anything because a child, with out any life experience in the real world, has this ability to stop a man from doing something he enjoyed so much.  I know this will come back to you as you grow older and move on in life. Some days in your future, you will have this pop in your head and you will wish that you could go back and make things right. Well, son, i'm lived and know that the world is full of regrets. And, knowing I am in the right by all I said, nothing but the facts, I know that these choices you've made will come back to bother you.  Wait till your son is doing something wrong and being mean to other children and you have to teach him right from wrong.  Many times you will be doing this and many times your power over others will pop in your head.  Could say more but I'm probably wasting more of my life. Sitting here typing is not as enjoyable as playing game was. ttyl SC

I just banned you 2 days ago for using an ALT ACCOUNT. No chance.

I'm sorry, but...

You don't bash on the due who has power over your ban. Also, Snivy has already decided that it stays perma, and if he hasn't this post I'm sure did.
Also, I'm almost certain I've seen another player who acts just like you in TTT. Avoiding ban maybe?


--- Quote from: Stone Cold on April 01, 2012, 09:30:56 PM ---I played every day. Every day. That's not an exageration. I lived in this game . It was a big part of my life.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Stone Cold on April 01, 2012, 09:30:56 PM ---I am powerless to do anything because a child, with out any life experience in the real world, has this ability to stop a man from doing something he enjoyed so much.

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--- Quote from: Jman on April 01, 2012, 09:32:23 PM ---I just banned you 2 days ago for using an ALT ACCOUNT. No chance.

--- End quote ---

^That. Stone I was probably your biggest supporter, but after your disrespectful posts, unwillingness to admit you're wrong, and attempt to evade a ban with another account. It needs to be at least 3 months if not permanent.


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