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TTT Recordings

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--- Quote from: [Valor]iPounce on April 01, 2012, 08:48:09 PM ---I know what you're doing,  ttt compilation?

--- End quote ---

Why yes, yes I am.

When I get back to my good PC (tuesday) I plan to record some of my T rounds. I've had many good T rounds in the past like most of us, but haven't recorded any of them.

Doctor Who:
I'd wish I recorded my past best T-rounds for you spoolspool :(


--- Quote from: Doctor Who on April 02, 2012, 03:16:47 PM ---I'd wish I recorded my past best T-rounds for you spoolspool :(

--- End quote ---

Please, call me schooschool.

Including my fail spelling.

Gmod TTT - Epicest Prop kill EVER!

> Round starts
> 0.00001 seconds after round has started, somebody prop kills me
> I was the only traitor


--- Quote from: Mehis on April 03, 2012, 02:36:57 AM ---Including my fail spelling.

Gmod TTT - Epicest Prop kill EVER!

> Round starts
> 0.00001 seconds after round has started, somebody prop kills me
> I was the only traitor

--- End quote ---

That's pretty damn hilarious, but keep in mind I am looking for Traitor rounds.


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