Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[3 Months] (ALL) Ghosting/prop pusing/teaming up with T and more


1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25324966

2. Players Nickname: Grim

3. Your in-game name: Prox

4. Server name: Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Reason for ban: Ghosting/prop pusing/teaming up with traitor as innocent/giving away T weaponry

6. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

Dark Pacifist:
Teaming beyond a doubt, and proppushing/killing...
Almost gives me comfort to know that these guys are douchebags in other servers.

*Recognized by steam ID not name
The latter was also causing problems as:  Nadder

I'll see if I can contribute anything else.

So, anything is going to be done about this?


--- Quote from: Prox on April 07, 2012, 06:41:09 AM ---So, anything is going to be done about this?

--- End quote ---
How exactly is anything going to be done about this?

No sourcebans = no dealing with reports. ._.


--- Quote from: Don on April 07, 2012, 07:07:08 AM ---How exactly is anything going to be done about this?

No sourcebans = no dealing with reports. ._.

--- End quote ---
FYI; we can now SOMEWHAT deal with reports as I made a to-ban list of players which need to be banned obviously, and Xrain agreed to go through the list when he can and ban the people manually.
However, that means when some reports do get locked and approved, the player(s) may not actually be banned until a while, as Xrain first has to see the list and manage the bans.

Anyhow, 3 months for both, as they clearly don't want to play the game for what it's intended.


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