Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Ban Appeal

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Stone Cold:
STEAM_0:1:40757497 44:43, F***in' Stone Cold,TTT,
     That's about best I can do for how much I care.  I would like to get back to playing with my friends and enemies. lol
     Though I will not say what I was doing at time of ban was wrong, it wasn't(playing by rules and Nobody shot at me first), I will say as I did before that I will quit karma farming. Not a big rule to follow from what I've heard, but , like I said, I'll be more careful as to leaving in that state so much. At times I have to leave game suddenly and that is fastest thing I can do other than staying afk in game, and being sitting duck for amateurs to take down Stone Cold is something I can't
     Aside from that, I do plan to be more selective in who I shoot and when. I wan't my score percentage where it should be, at the top of any list.
     Got a new server to play on, but sometimes no one there when I have time to play, which sometimes is little. Also, it has a whole new group of assholes and i'm used to the assholes i've played with. lol  That's a little Stone Cold humor.  I'll watch my language around admin.
    That's all. Just want to get back to only game I enjoy so much.  If you allow me back, don't expect that I won't accidentally shoot someone. I will make mistakes as we all do, but as always, I am often at or around top of scores because I know what I'm doing. Like it or not , F***in' Stone Cold is for real. You can kick and ban me but you can't beat me.  lol   If you miss losing to Stone Cold give me a Hell Yeah.

 :thumbsup: Free stone cold!

if I were you, I'd wait awhile before making an appeal. I really can't +1 this right now.

You still haven't really taken the time to reflect on your actions properly, have you ._.

Do we really need another shit storm, Stone wait another week or three before appealing regardless of how valid or invalid your points may be everyone needs time to cool off and reflect upon the incident and if you re-appeal that quick it's simply never going to happen just....wait.


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