Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!


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Blazing Cold:
Well i been playing Random's TTT servers and decided Why not Make a donation and sign up! AND IN ORDER xD So ya.. My account   


Dark Pacifist:
Welcome to the forums.
I don't think we do donations...
Hope to see you around.


--- Quote from: Dark Pacifist on March 23, 2012, 06:13:11 PM ---Welcome to the forums.
I don't think we do donations...
Hope to see you around.

--- End quote ---

Little donate button......Right there....Top right corner...riiiiiggght there.

Welcome to the servers mate. Hope you enjoy!

Blazing Cold:
Wai.. How do you put your steam ID next to your guys chat And thank you for the greets  :D


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