.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Rate Thread

(1/10) > >>

Basically, I will rate on a scale of 0 - 10 (with decimals!). To be updated over the coming days, weeks, months, years, etc.

(9.5 - 10) Basically, I would make sweet homosex to you

(9.0 - 9.4)
Krasher - You are an cool smart guy who's good at math and is ubernice. Respect. (9.0)
Tiger Guy - You're just fuckin' hilarious. Everybody loves you and I see no reason why to deviate from that. (9.25)
Frank - You're just awesome overall. You're a funny poster, an experienced player, and I have lol'd many times with you as the main cause. One of the few sane admins here. A toast to you, sire. 9.0

(7.0 - 8.9)
Shawn - You're pretty cool. Not half bad when you play, and can start a funny convo. Need to play with you moar. (8.0)
Peetah - I don't really know you. Your posts are decent and funny at times, I should play with you more. (7.0)
Franklin - I've played with you a few times. Not recently, but you're a good poster here and a good player in the games. See Peetah. (7.5)
SabbathFreak - Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath. You're one of the best posters in the forum, and you always have something contributing to say (aside from this thread, of course). I don't play with you much, though. But you cool. (8.5)
Prox - Always a contributor, you're a nice and funny guy. Sometimes you do/say stuff that makes me LOL. Nothing negative about you. (8.0)
Don - I used to think you were sort of a prick, but you're a cool guy (when not a prick). You feel strongly about things. If you don't like somebody, EVERYBODY automatically knows. Not afraid to speak your mind. (7.25)
Cake Face - Funny poster, funny player, experienced player, great overall. You sometimes prioritize people unfairly when you play, but you're good otherwise. (7.75)

(5.0 - 6.9)
Devie - Don't get me wrong, you're pretty cool. You just seem to be a pretty big attention seeker to me. You are like, in limbo. Ever felt that a 6.999999 would be too little but a 7.0 too much? Yeah, you're kinda there. (6.9 - 7.0 limbo)
Rocket50 - You can be a bit of a minge at times. You're nice, funny sometimes (and I want to know where you got your avatar sometimes) but you can seem a bit immature. (6.5)

(2.5 - 4.9)

(9000.0 - 9002.4) gtf in my random  heheheheheheh -X
Moo you are mega win, now gtfi my bodie  :love:, i gief u 9000.01
Coolzeldad, you host these win servers, u need to host mah bodie naow gtfi random.... 9000.001




this should be fun Lol

Tiger Guy:
Tiger Guy

Nuuuuu I hit post!


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