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I'm not a Broni but I lol'd at this

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This is apparently an exert  from a MLP fanfiction my friend was reading

Spoiler (click to show/hide)"Hey Pinkie Pie, nice muff," he greeted her.

"What?" Rainbow Dash echoed.

"Oh, um, no, wait," he stammered awkwardly. "I meant that furry thing I could put my hooves in."

"What?" Rainbow Dash growled.

"No, wait, I mean... Um..."

"It's okay, Sokey Awkey," Pinkie Pie assured him.

"Sokey Awkey?" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"It's short for Socially Awkward!" Pinkie Pie replied.

"Of course it is..."

"So Sokey Awkey, this is my friend Rainbow Dash!"

"Oh, hi," Socially Awkward said, nodding at Rainbow Dash.

"Hey," she replied. "Ugh, do you have pie on your face?"

"Um, maybe," he said, swiping a hoof at the left side of his face, despite the chunk of pie-crust that was obviously hanging from the right side of his mouth. "I like pie."

"Do you like Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie Pie asked, giggling as she spoke.

"I like your pie," he replied.

"What?" Rainbow Dash growled.

"Oh, but I bet you have a nice pie too, Miss Rainbow Wings," Socially Awkward quickly added.

"It's Rainbow Dash, silly!" Pinkie Pie corrected him.

"Oh, oops," he said. "I meant I'd like to taste your pie too Miss Rainbow Gash."

"What?" Rainbow Dash growled.

"I mean I'd like to eat your pie."


"I mean – um – wow, it must be nice to be able to fly. How did you manage that?"

"How did I manage to fly?"


"With my wings?"

"Wings, right, of course! I'd love to fly. Maybe I could ride you sometime."


"I mean maybe I could just mount you and you could get me up."


"I mean maybe I could just get my leg over you and we could get high."


"Did I faux pas again?"

Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Okay Pinkie, who's the coolest, most awesome and most radical earth pony in Ponyville?" she tried.

"Pinkie Pie!" Socially Awkward answered.

Rainbow Dash glared at him threateningly. He looked nervous, but since that seemed to be his default expression, she could not tell if her glower was intimidating him or not.
and to be honest I lold

If you're wondering, this was in chapter 4 of "The Brony Code"

That is just creepy. THEY ARE PONIES FOR FUCKS SAKE!


Tiger Guy:
when did they fuck


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