Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Case of butthurt - M4stah, Naruto and Gallade

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[TTPN] ShadowMoon:
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
M4stah                                              STEAM_0:0:25665899
[TAVG] [GR] Naruto Uzamuki {P}      STEAM_0:0:35673100 
Gallade                                              STEAM_0:1:31689321 
K-Raider_NL                                       STEAM_0:1:39375464     

2. Players Nickname

3. Your in-game name
Applejack (Excalipoor)

4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)

5. Description of the event(s)
OK. After Xrain disconnected, these faggots somehow appeared in the server. Firstly, m4stah and Raider (not showed in demo, happened before I starting to record) prop pushing AFK players, making them fallen to death. Later Gallade and Naruto do the same. Given warning, in-exchange, m4stah insulted me.
The demo proves all. Feel free to PM other players such as 007 and Mexican, they player evi.

6. Reason for ban
Prop killing
Prop pushing
Disrespect towards player and server

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

i was there, mastah is jbanned, i think its time for perma. also the other 2 nid ban as well  :thumbsup:

[TTPN] ShadowMoon:
I hate to keep doing this kind of report, made me fed up.
Admins/VIPs please be active in the server, we desperately need all of you.
RDMers, Ghosters, Prop killers, Prop pushers, what else?

I was also there and saw what happened. I only got propushed once by them. I saw that m4stah was disrespecting other players in the chat  :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Excalipoor on February 25, 2012, 07:20:21 AM ---I hate to keep doing this kind of report, made me fed up.
Admins/VIPs please be active in the server, we desperately need all of you.
RDMers, Ghosters, Prop killers, Prop pushers, what else?

--- End quote ---
And we desperately need players to make reports. When will you people understand that? So you can either a)do nothing and blame us for not being on the server and enjoy the rule breakers, or b) actually do something about it like you did now.


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