Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hi everyone!

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Sephi Xarados:
How's it going?  I'm Sephi Xarados. I've been playing on the server for...nearly half a year now? I'm known by Tezuni and Kahuna, and have been playing on the servers daily. I also heard about the servers now down, and I'm disappointed that it came to that :( in the mean time, I'm hoping to be good friends with everyone :D

sup dude

Welcome to the rNd forums, Sephi. Enjoy your stay.

Yo, I new here too as well so I welcome you  :zombie:

Hey, yes the servers are down, but certain servers are being set up on a temporary host, you can read more about it here: http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,11643.0.html


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