Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hello Guys My name is Keyword22


Hello, I discovered this community long time ago, it was very popular and I decided on joining in, I did the right decision.

However, now that the servers are shutting down for 3-6 months, I registered on the Forums.

I want to say: Thanks to coolzeldad for this awesome servers. Keep it going see you on July-June.

BTW: I dont talk english,I did my best Writing this.  ;)

This Toast:

Dale Feles:
Welcome to rNd.

I look forward to see you on the forums whilst the servers are down  :)

Feel free to PM me if you got any questions about the forums. You can also add me on steam if you want  C:-)

You did great for not speaking English. Welcome


--- Quote from: Keyword22 on February 07, 2012, 10:32:55 AM ---Hello, I discovered this community long time ago, it was very popular and I decided on joining in, I did the right decision.

However, now that the servers are shutting down for 3-6 months, I registered on the Forums.

I want to say: Thanks to coolzeldad for this awesome servers. Keep it going see you on July-June.

BTW: I dont talk english,I did my best Writing this.  ;)

--- End quote ---

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY, Keyword22! Welcome to the home of the rANdOmz!...again(?)
and it's very nice to meet you so...mabye i'll see you on the servers soon!  :)


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