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How to survive in a zombie apocalypse! TABITHA STYLE!!!!

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You wake up and find out that there are hungry fugly zombies outside your house eating people just out the street (WITHOUT SALT AND PEPPER I MAY ADD)
So What do you do? Well, You can't stay in your house forever...there's a limit of food you have but the water of course should be unlimited unless you have water tanks...
The first thing you wanna do is find a weapon! It can be anything that dismembers the brain from the body, an AXE or a shovel or something to bash heads with...
The second thing you are going to do is look around for the safest exit that means you don't have to go getting yourself surrounded by hordes of
brain eaters...Try exiting from your backyard (If you have one) Or try getting on top of your roof and going all mirrors edge on everyones asses. The third thing you'll need
is to find another place where you can get better weapons to defend yourself with (Shovels get boring after a while...)

Now that you have:
Woken Up and smelt the ashes...
Found a reliable weapon...
Gone out of the house (IN THE SAFEST WAY POSSIBLE!!!)...
Gone to a gun shop or a store with farming equipment or even Hattori Hanzo's samurai place :P you can start killing.

So...Now what do with yourself? Find some twinkies? Maybe look for more survivors? Well are you going to stay in that gun shop and watch tv or are you going to
kill some bitches like you did in all those video games :D? or will you just be all "I'VE LOST ALL HOPE!!! TIME TO KILL MYSELF" YOU goddamn emo kids D:<

OPTION 1: Go outside and gather all the food and drinks you can and lock yourself in a house with all the gaming and computers you can get like a boss...
OPTION 2: Stay in the gun shop and be a retard and starve to death...(NOT RECOMMENDED)
OPTION 3: Find more survivors or a lovely woman who's all "AWMIGAWDDISSOCOOLILOVEDISKILLINGANDPARTYING" and marry her!

Well what are you going to do Traveler!?
Decide and post to tell us what you'd do or if you agree with this :P!
Thanks for reading!


no really. It was hard for me to read


--- Quote from: TehHank on February 05, 2012, 03:48:34 AM ---no really. It was hard for me to read

--- End quote ---

Enter: Tabitha.

I didn't really find it hard to read o.o.
Maybe I'm just used to the way Tabitha talks or something but it made sense to me.

-.- How exactly is it hard to READ?


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