Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

10/6/2010 Application: RoflCopter - [DEMOTED]

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--- Quote from: RoflCopter on October 06, 2010, 12:52:22 AM ---RoflCopter'z VIP App 6/10/10
Hi, I am currently applying for VIP because recently Respected has gone away and i am regaining my privileges.


Name: Aden Cook
Age: 15
In-Game Name: RoflCopter
Servers I Play On: Trouble in Terrorist Town, Random Rotation, rarely Zombie Survival Build.
Steam ID:
Kick/Ban Reasons: (Mostly Trouble in Terrorist Town reasons)
                            -Mass RDM, I will warn them on 3 or 4 RDMs and then finally kick for mostly accident RDMs and ban for deliberate RDMs.
                            -Revenge RDM, i would warn them once but if they do it again a kick.
                            -PropKilling, If its deliberate i will warn them and same for accidental but after 2 or 3 propkills, kick.
                            -Hacking, If he/she is using speedhacks every now and then i will just kick for a warning, if he/she comes back, ban (I will keep an eye on it in-                             case its lag).
                             Aimbot, I will spectate him and take a closer look. If he acctually is aimbotting i will ban.
                             Chams, would be an unfair advantage to the other players so i will report to an admin and see if it should be a kick or ban.
                             If i get told any other hack happening in-game i will investigate.
Steam Games:
                      Garry's Mod
                      Half-Life 2
                      Half-Life 2: Ep 1+2
                      Half-Life 2: DeathMatch
                      Team Fortress 2
                      Zombie Panic!: Source
                      Counter-Strike: Source
                      Half-Life 2: Research and Development

Why i would like to be VIP: I would like to be VIP because I want to show that I am a respected player in the RND community. I have not seen very much VIPs around, the only VIPs ive seen are JimOnions, Assasin and Tech. So there are too less VIPs now, i would be added to that list will start to increase the size of VIPs in RND servers. I shall not abuse the VIP privileges and tell those to stop if they are abusing.

Hopefully this will be a successful App. This is the conclusion to my App.                                     

--- End quote ---

This is a rly pingaz nice guy  :thumbsdown: oops i mean  :thumbsup: . lol

Remember, VIP Is a big deal to carry on eh :).

 :thumbsup: seems fine to me, playd with a couple of times no problemz

Also FYI, me posting this app is an implied  :thumbsup:

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: DoeniDon @ 18:19:12:10:10 ---Never tell your password to anyone.
12 October 2010
18:19 - DoeniDon / five days: magix
18:19 - DoeniDon / five days: can you do me a favour?
18:19 - » Magic «: dawnz
18:19 - » Magic «: maybe
18:19 - » Magic «: wassup
18:19 - DoeniDon / five days: say nu to this fag
18:20 - DoeniDon / five days:,1152.0.html
18:20 - DoeniDon / five days: he's constantly begging at me for stupid shit
18:20 - DoeniDon / five days: and kicks for no reason

--- End quote ---

He also RDM's abit so nothing from me


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