Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
2/2/12 Application: Tezuni
--- Quote from: Tezuni on February 02, 2012, 12:45:40 AM ---Hi Coolz, if you could post my application below, that'd be great. Thanks!
Tezuni (STEAM_0:0:25439381)
I began playing gmod early last year. rNd's TTT server was my first, and despite players being checkered black and purple with guns as big ERROR signs, it was exciting. I liked it so much I bought css to see everything. Early on and continuing for quite a bit I did a lot of minging and got banned a couple times, but I settled down. Later on either in spring or summer, I was promoted to regular and began playing other rNd servers. Then with my new forums account I reported people, and continually got some ghosters / hackers banned. In December I made a map for our ttt server and in the present I have started sketching / collecting ideas from the community for a better ttt map list system.
Being VIP is a responsibility and a privileged rank. I have common sense, knowing how to handle any situation without disturbing others. Abuse of VIP power would be letting down those who vote for the VIPs in.
Although I enjoy the rNd servers, I especially enjoy the community's players. I love ZS, WS, TTT, and fretta, but I don't like seeing things such as speedhackers in Extreme Football Throwdown ruining everyone's game experience. I've filed reports on those types of people, and most of them were banned. However, I think I can improve the game for everyone by being there to deal with situations like that right away. That includes filing a report after for major incidents such as hacking.
Final Note:
I know this application may seem small, but its well meaning and no nonsense.
Thanks for reading everyone, and thanks for posting this application Coolz.
Map List
--- End quote ---
I'm not sure. I know he's been around for a long while, and I don't think I've had problems with him but idk.
I'm sure.
He has shown great maturity.
Tiger Guy:
He is cool and pro TTT player.
Changing my mind, I think he's ready. I'm sure I can trust him.
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