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DJquietkitty's reg aplication. 02/02/12

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26481503
Steam Name: DJ Quiet Kitty
First: Evan
Last: Nastiuk
Normal games: CSS, Gmod, Minecraft, l4d2, half life series, and portal series
Time online: normally from 3:20 to 10:00 on weekdays and 1:00 to 11:00 on weekends
Servers: Rnd of course, BreakPoint servers, JailBreak, Surf, And other random servers i sometimes play on
Birthday: 1/10
Contributions to RnD: Well I don't have many contributions although I do look out for people who are hacking and/or cheating on servers.

         The reason I want to be regular is because i play random a lot I mostly play are TTT and fretta, sometimes i play elevator, zombie, or stronghold. I hope you guys think I deserve to be regular. If you do think i deserve to be regular  :thumbsup:. Oh and also add me on steam if you like. I <3  :zombie:

Modify date 2/2/12

You need to use an application template..

Use the stickied "Don's Regular Application" in this section.

As metahaze has said please redo Application to correct format by using the modify button or this application will be removed without warning

dont remove just yet i just got from school im gonna fix it

I have found my problems and fixed them that should be good.


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