Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Gangrelions Regular Application of Kitties 30/1/12

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Shawny </3:

--- Quote from: KHMarie12 on January 31, 2012, 07:26:52 PM ---I originally wasn't planning on posting anything at all, but after recently, I think I will.
I am -1 because you act very immature, and any type of rank requires a certain amount of maturity. You constantly bothered me about pointless things, which I didn't really care about at all. With all these other comments and my own personal experience, it almost seems like you have a problem those who are a higher rank then you. I had no problems with you at all, and the dumb comments you used to make didn't faze me in the slightest, but when you actually ask me a question, and I genuinely answer it, then your reply after months and months of just pestering me is "Well you're a waste of space, so I am going to delete you now, bai." really shows an extreme lack of maturity. You troll people, and though you always originally seem like a nice person, you can be quite rude. You don't seem to put yourself in a very good place to be asking for a promotion.

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Marie, you took it the wrong way. I was a waste of space on your friends list to, We never played games together so i just told you im deleting you. But if you -1 me then so be it. I dont really care.

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: Gangrelion on January 31, 2012, 08:21:54 PM ---Marie, you took it the wrong way. I was a waste of space on your friends list to, We never played games together so i just told you im deleting you. But if you -1 me then so be it. I dont really care.

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It still goes a long with being mature. You should have thought of a better way to word things then if you didn't want me to take things the wrong way. There is a time and place for everything, and still so my vote stands.

Shawny </3:

--- Quote from: KHMarie12 on January 31, 2012, 08:37:39 PM ---It still goes a long with being mature. You should have thought of a better way to word things then if you didn't want me to take things the wrong way. There is a time and place for everything, and still so my vote stands.

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Immature? Marie when was the last time you actually played on ZS with me? 3 or 4 months? some times in November i believe?
You know Dr. Octogonapus who hated me because i was immature? were friends now.
You know outtokill who hated me for being an immature troll?
again were friends.

Troll people? I did that, as i said before; Long ago

Like i said with sabb i urge you to play ZS more often to see.

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: Gangrelion on February 01, 2012, 07:52:34 AM ---Immature? Marie when was the last time you actually played on ZS with me? 3 or 4 months? some times in November i believe?
You know Dr. Octogonapus who hated me because i was immature? were friends now.
You know outtokill who hated me for being an immature troll?
again were friends.

Troll people? I did that, as i said before; Long ago

Like i said with sabb i urge you to play ZS more often to see.

--- End quote ---

It doesn't matter whether it is in game or not, you should try to have some decency to act appropriate either way, and why would it matter if your previous enemies are now your buddies? More people to plus one you? You will never stop being a troll, all you have done for the past 2 weeks is send me extremely dumb messages, and that is supposed to tell me otherwise? Please. I am not interested in starting an argument, especially in something as simple as a regular app. I simply put my opinions there, whether you take into consideration what I said is up to you and you alone.

Wow. WOW.
I -1'd all over this thread.

Every single negative reason above.
Also, I agree with Marie.


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