Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
Nemisous's regular application 30/1/2012
Name: Nick
steam ID (STEAM_0:0:34637715)
In-Game Name:
Time online:
1-4 Hours Per Day
Servers Where i play on RandomGS
Birthday:3 April
Games (on Steam):
Aliens vs. predator
portals 1-2
killing floor
zombie panic
Location: United States, Oklahoma
i know non of you guys like me here on the forums and that is understandable. but im i have given up on the forums and just want to play the game. so if i was to get regular i promise never to post stupid shit in the forums ever again, in fact i would post at all unless it was a report or something along those lines.
i know REG isnt really a big position buts its certainly good to have. say a VIP casts a vote to kick a player and one REG votes yes and the other votes no. having me online will greatly make the VIPs job much easier as i am a regular member and a active one if that. but that doesnt mean im just going to be a yes man and click yes to every vote. as i know all to well the horrors of a VIP that abuses his powers. (not on RND but on other servers)
but im really hoping i can prove to you guys that im worthy of REG status.
:thumbsup: i like nemmy hes a fun and helpfull guy on the servers.
Fun to play with, mature and definitely ready.
Always respectful and obeys the rules. dispite trying to have me banned at one point he seems really cool and would be a good fit for RND.
not once have i seen him rage about anything, insult other players, teamkill, exploit or any of that bs
Shawny </3:
Not because hes my friend, Because hes funny, helpfull but can be a bit.... yeah
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