Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Hotdog regular application 1/30/2012
In game name: =ligs=pvt.hotdog aka hotdog (just hotdog if approved)
Steam id: STEAM_0:1:8738219
Steam 64: 76561197977742167
Location: Florida/US
Age: 28
Birthday: may 7 1982
Occupation : Satalite internet tech, parttime mechanic, veteran.
Education: 2years sfc and 2 1/2 years at uf for computer networking also 2 additional years for sfcc's before acredited automotive mechanic.
Likes: First person shooters, Target shooting, import car tuning, My wife of course lol.
Dislikes: cheese im illergic =(
Gaming experance in years: 14+ years in actual real hardcore gaming experance
Games played recently: garrys mod zs and insurgeny moder warfare
Admining/coding/gaminghost: 14+ years
Time online: ususally late night eastern time.
Why i want and should be regular: Ive always like the rnd community since i first learned of it and its members are fun. i would like to contribute my skills and knowlegde in the form of write ups, maps, and good vibes.
all in all this "old fart" loves ya guys in the end, so thanks for taking your time to review this and hope to see ya on the servers. muah.
you get a :thumbsup: from me, im suprised you didnt apply sooner
Mature, helpful and is definitely ready for regular. :thumbsup:
from me
Experienced player, nothing bad to say about him, I'd approve him.
+1 definently!
Fun guy to play with in ZS.
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