Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Michael797's Regular App [1/28/12]
My god, a relative of Jman? Can the server handle this much? Well, if Jman trusts you then so can I! :thumbsup:
Hope to meet you sometime. :D (If you do see me, it will probably be on TTT. I love mah TTT. :3)
Edit: Played with you a bit earlier. You seem like a fine guy, no need to change my post.
Well....not personally here, but i'm just going to say:
-I haven't met you nor played with you on fretta (probably because i'm rarely on fretta, lol)
-I don't see why you shouldn't/should anyway, obviously you just want to become a Regular (In my opinion)
-You seem like a nice player
So anyway, I don't know about you yet, mabye I'll just have to give you a :thumbsup: ..Because there isn't alot of complaining going on about you anyways, but I'm still looking forward to playing with you more often in the servers! So, good luck, my friend!
I've played with him the past few days and the reason I waited to :thumbsup: is because I really don't think just because he's a relative of Jman he should automatically get reg, that being said he is a very good player never breaks any of the rules and is someone I can trust to kill those I call out :thumbsup:
hi mishel hi hi mishel? hi i love you hi
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hihi
:thumbsup: for da reasons listed above
i love you mishel
--- Quote from: Purpal on January 29, 2012, 08:36:57 PM ---hi mishel hi hi mishel? hi i love you hi
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hihi
:thumbsup: for da reasons listed above
i love you mishel
--- End quote ---
Damn that's hot.
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