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Noob/Roach here...

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--- Quote from: TheRoach on January 27, 2012, 08:11:47 AM ---Guys, guys stop stealing my name jk
Nice to meet you, from now on I'm going to change my name :3

--- End quote ---
Actually, I had no idea who you were. My first intended name was Legendary Noob, then I got on the server and saw it was roach.....I had roach to begin with because of my last name....

Your last name was Roach?  :trollface:

I'm just kidding, lol. No seriously, I'm just kidding.
Roach sounds like a name my great great great great great ... great grandfather used a while ago in the navy.  C:-)

Atleast I thought he was in the Navy  :idk:

Anyway, not to make fun of it, but you know.... Spoiler (click to show/hide)Roach was a name of an epic game character.
Some people belived (and still do) that it was based on a real person.
It really wasn't.

But hey, i'm just making a random quote here...

My last name is actually Rocha....so just move the 'a' in the appropriate place and it makes sense....


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