Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Huddzzii´s Reg Application 23/01/2012

(1/2) > >>

Steam: Mixxed89

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20634077

In-Game Name: Huddzzii

Time online: Well almost all day

Servers: Elevator , sledge build.

Age: 22

Birthday: 17th march

Games (on Steam): Garrys mod , Counter strike source , Rusty Hearts , CoD MW3 , TF2.

Location: Sweden

Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I want to be a regular because i am a regular i visit the servers everyday with my friends and we have a good time , alot of friendly people and very good servers. i should be a regular coz im on the servers alot and i think i could help some people.

Contributions to RND: well nothing atm but it will come in the future.

I don't know you so I won't vote + or -, but if I were to judge you just by your app I would give -1. If you can't even be bothered to spell out all the words in your app then why do you think we should trust you could handle regular? >_>


--- Quote from: ChaosEternal on January 23, 2012, 01:07:14 PM ---I don't know you so I won't vote + or -, but if I were to judge you just by your app I would give -1. If you can't even be bothered to spell out all the words in your app then why do you think we should trust you could handle regular? >_>

--- End quote ---

He's from Sweden, so in all likelihood, English isn't his first language.

Just felt like pointing that out. +/- 0.

Well bro, I really don't know whereas I should vote you +1 or -1, as I play on TTT server only these days, and really don't know you at all, yet  :)..I'll just give you a Neutral vote  ;D

+/- 0

I recommend you try our other servers like Trouble in terrorist town, Zombie survival and fretta as the more friends you make the better your chances of getting regular  O0


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