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How can I enbale symbols like "¶" in games?
Okay. I've been getting annoyed that instead of certain symbols I see squares in players names. This only happens in games or steam because I can see those symbols on my internet browser and I am able to use them in notepad and such.
Here's an example:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)If anyone know how I can fix this, please tell me.
try changing steam language.
It's usually because you don't have a language pack installed.. such as not being able to display japanese without the japanese language pack.
It's because you don't have the font... Windows 7 and XP uses different font IE: Me and a bunch of people we can see this guys name with skulls because we have XP but everyone else in the server can't because their on windows 7, this is why i hate when people use symbols
Also I'm guessing you're using windows 7? because i can see kurtis' name no problem....
--- Quote from: Shawn on January 20, 2012, 06:55:01 PM ---It's because you don't have the font... Windows 7 and XP uses different font IE: Me and a bunch of people we can see this guys name with skulls because we have XP but everyone else in the server can't because their on windows 7, this is why i hate when people use symbols
Also I'm guessing you're using windows 7? because i can see kurtis' name no problem....
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
--- Quote from: coolzeldad on January 20, 2012, 06:47:39 PM ---It's usually because you don't have a language pack installed.. such as not being able to display japanese without the japanese language pack.
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So all I have to do is download and install some language packs or is it something more difficult?
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