Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Accused of aimbot, banned for aimbot, i don't use an aimbot

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Player    <Chaoss>   

    No Demos

Steam ID    STEAM_0:0:14362378
Steam Community    76561197988990484
IP address    GB
Invoked on    01-07-12 02:47
Banlength    Permanent
Expires on    Not applicable.
Reason    Teeny banned '<Chaoss>' : Aimbot Hack
Banned by Admin    CONSOLE
Banned from    Web Ban
Total Bans    2 (search)
Blocked (1)    <Chaoss>

I'd like to get unbanned on my main steam account (I have 3 under this name), I was playing the server with a hacker called Anteck, he had some good teammates who had a good shot, but i could tell they weren't hacking, however Anteck was, he then spawncamped me so i said "if you keep doing that i'll use my aimbot", he said "lol i know all the admins i'm gettin u banned", i've played here enough for people to know I don't even have an aimbot installed and I've never used one in the 6 years i've had my steam account. i said that in hopes he's stop spawncamping me.

I made a request and it got unapproved because the admin who banned me failed to respond, i was advised to IM him... i've done that twice with no response and I believe the admin in question has either left, been kicked out or has failed to log in to the forums.

I have not and never have 'hacked' and would like to get unbanned, or given a good reason why I should be permanently banned for simply slamming someone. I've tried to join but it just says I'm banned and to check the website

the thread in question:,10859.0.html

It shouldn't be permanent but it should be some time, there's a little thing called an Undo button, not saying your gonna aimbot him, that's just plain retarded. You have been banned for pure stupidity on your part.

yeh well i won't be doing it again, and this was like 2 or 3 weeks ago now

Dark Pacifist:
1. "Teeny" has been active.
2. Even when she's called to a server because of someone she doesn't act unless she see's reason to.
In other words unless we can get her to respond with her side of the story the ban is likely to stay in effect.

You only messaged me once and I must say it was a pretty pathetic message.  I have not been able to reply because I have not been on the forums. And no your story did not go that way. Anteck was not spawn killing you, and he did not say "lol i know all the admins i'm gettin u banned." Nor did you say this as a reply to what you say Anteck "said", "if you keep doing that i'll use my aimbot." You said this after you were accused of hacking.


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