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What does Coolz call himself Coolzeldad?

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--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on January 18, 2012, 06:49:51 PM ---because hes a cool hispanic father

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thats actually the only explanation I could come up with for like the past year

He is a faggot who snorts Pixie Sticks

Spoiler (click to show/hide)B&D

Coolzeldad = Cool Zelda Dad

He has children

One is is megatron and he fights Devie's cat that is Conveniently name optimus prime


--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on January 18, 2012, 06:38:59 PM ---Because he is Coolz El Dad AND Coolzeldad (zelda)

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Lol that's why I called him Coolz el padre once before, but teeny got ma XD


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