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Your favorite camo pattern?

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Captain Communism:
So guys/girls/Sabb, what pattern of camouflage do you like the most? Just post a picture, name of pattern, and your reasons for liking it, and feel free to state your opinions on other camo patterns (but play nice).
I'll start.
Urban Camouflage (AKA City, White Woodland, Winter Woodland)

I like it due to the fact that it looks cool, and because it looks really good with a black tactical vest.



I like urban, but Russian woodland looks best IMO.


--- Quote from: Rocket50 on January 16, 2012, 06:49:14 AM ---

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And what is wrong with asking this? Just because he likes certain topics doesn't mean that he should get posts like that every time he makes a thread like this.

I like M81 Woodland. Can't find pic tho

Captain Communism:

--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on January 16, 2012, 11:37:44 AM ---I like M81 Woodland. Can't find pic tho
--- End quote ---
M81 is the typical woodland, right?


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