Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hi guys

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Hi im Peace nice to meat you guys im 13 years old some of you have know me on ttt server in game my name is [Zah] Mr.47.
I play on randomz server for 4 mounth but i just change my name to Mr.47 for 20 days ago.
I know that some of you Knows Agent 47 my name is like that becuase im very good at killing  :ninja: (In game)not real life.

Zah is my contry clan im Thai my English is not very good.   :thumbsdown:

I follows all rules and report a minge.  :troll:

Nice to meat you guyz.  :) ;)  ;D

P.S. Im boaders so i can only play on Friday,Sat and Sunday.

Dale Feles:
Why hello there :)

I'm $ilent the Slavemaster of newbies. If ever you need any help just send me a message on Steam or the forums.

Nice to meet you PeaceZeZa.  :)

I'm RedEclipse (Currently a Regular)
 and you'll see me on rNd Servers such as:
-TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town)
-Zombie Survival
- And probably even (A New Gamemode,) Elevator: Source.

Feel free to add me on STEAM or even PM me on the forums if you'd like   ;)

Once again, Nice to meet you and welcome to rANdOm Forums!

Im a boaders also i needed to go to dorms every SUN-FRIDAY that was so bullshit i can play only on FRI-SUN Omg so you will see me alot on FRI-SUNDAY :)

Hi guys i play rdn for 2 years and i very enjoy it. :)
My age was 13. ;)
What time do i online? Friday to Sunday becuase im boareders. :(
My name on steam is Toaster.
I report all minge and im nice but i have the problem its cool person likes to bully me becuase my sound its like a 5 years old kid so dont call me that.
My English is sucks much im from Thailand

I play on ttt server very hope to see you all in ttt server.  :)


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