Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

gabes reg request, 3rd to last

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Can't believe I'm saying this but,

Just because you've never seen him before doesn't mean he doesn't play on the servers, he could have a totally different time zone than you.


--- Quote from: Alphaggot on January 15, 2012, 07:21:43 AM ---Can't believe I'm saying this but,

Just because you've never seen him before doesn't mean he doesn't play on the servers, he could have a totally different time zone than you.

--- End quote ---
We live in the same state....................................


--- Quote from: aerobro on January 15, 2012, 07:28:20 AM ---We live in the same state....................................

--- End quote ---

I'm not referring to you. Its just people think that if they don't see him/her, they're not active.

ah ok thanks for clearing that up

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