Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Newbie that's not so new


I'm Zack
16 years old
I use a mic
Some of you may know me from winter survival a while back
Ah what memories
Just a quick into to those who don't know me and I hope to meet alot more people while I'm here

Welkom to teh servarz!

Dale Feles:

Pm me is ever you need help. I'll gladly help you... as long as you're polite of course.


--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on January 15, 2012, 05:41:57 AM ---Herrow

Pm me is ever you need help. I'll gladly help you... as long as you're polite of course.

--- End quote ---
I always am, I shouldn't need much help anyways as I've used a forum similar to this one before


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