Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Yooooow !

(1/2) > >>

Hey everyone! Some of you know me as "my mom.", "The mom" and others know me as "The old fat bitch, the mom."
Strange names? Well. There one reason to that: Being bored. Most of you might think that I'm a :troll: but, I'm not ;D

My names Marcus, And I LOVE TTT! I've been playing it for about one and a half year soon ;)

I hope to see you y'all on the TTT server ;)

My brother  :troll:! Welcome! ;)  :link:

Bullet Freeman:

Nice to meet you Luigi.  :)

I'm RedEclipse (Currently a Regular)
 and you'll see me on rNd Servers such as:
-TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town)
-Zombie Survival
- And probably even (A New Gamemode,) Elevator: Source.

Feel free to add me on STEAM or even PM me on the forums if you'd like  ;)

Once again, Nice to meet you and welcome to rANdOm Forums!

Mario Party 2: Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing

This video is completely relevant.

Anyway, I find the lack of senior members welcoming you disturbing.
Welcome to rANdOm, enjoy your stay.


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