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Last humans on Zombie Survival
Let's say we are playing a map with a large body of water that a bunch of humans can swim in.
Now let's remove the humans except for one.
Now we have one human swimming around in the water with last humans benefits ( +100hp and x1.5 speed boost ).
It is almost impossible for a zombie to hit a human that is underwater because either the human is laggy or the server is, and if there is no lag, it is still difficult.
Zombies begin to get frustrated for trying to kill one human swimming around in the water for about 3 to 5 waves.
If anything, I request that last humans should get damaged (or killed) when submerged in any water. Even if they touch it.
This strays them away from using such a cheap strategy and can keep from killing the server all for just trying to kill one human.
I know this can be implemented (pl:IsSubmerged or something like that.)
I think that humans should be slowed down instead. And I mean all of them and if the last human gets in the water he is slowed down to the same speed as normal human.
--- Quote from: Alkaline on January 14, 2012, 10:21:40 AM ---Let's say we are playing a map with a large body of water that a bunch of humans can swim in.
Now let's remove the humans except for one.
Now we have one human swimming around in the water with last humans benefits ( +100hp and x1.5 speed boost ).
It is almost impossible for a zombie to hit a human that is underwater because either the human is laggy or the server is, and if there is no lag, it is still difficult.
Zombies begin to get frustrated for trying to kill one human swimming around in the water for about 3 to 5 waves.
If anything, I request that last humans should get damaged (or killed) when submerged in any water. Even if they touch it.
This strays them away from using such a cheap strategy and can keep from killing the server all for just trying to kill one human.
I know this can be implemented (pl:IsSubmerged or something like that.)
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i dont think ive done this, maybe once but it is very cheap and when others get in the water it is verrrrrrrrrry annoying, i agree with
--- Quote from: Prox on January 14, 2012, 12:07:42 PM ---I think that humans should be slowed down instead. And I mean all of them and if the last human gets in the water he is slowed down to the same speed as normal human.
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--- Quote from: Prox on January 14, 2012, 12:07:42 PM ---I think that humans should be slowed down instead. And I mean all of them and if the last human gets in the water he is slowed down to the same speed as normal human.
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Just like switching your weapon, just make it lose your speed boost.
--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on January 14, 2012, 12:10:20 PM ---This.
Just like switching your weapon, just make it lose your speed boost.
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I was saying that not only the last human would be slowed, but the entire human team would.
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