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Eion Kilant 739:

--- Quote from: Boncey on January 14, 2012, 06:12:01 AM ---Why not just put it in your GMod folder and run it :)

I'll do a youtube thingy later, in-game atm

--- End quote ---

Too lazy, I am also fearfull of doing that.

I am also at a computer that does not have Garry's Mod.

I like the idea I proposed in that thread, but seriously, we need to stop twiddling our thumbs and DO something - just now [3 mins ago] we had a detective kicked for mass RDMing, a det I killed, and BY A fucking MIRACLE only lost 1 point of karma - it is way out of control - one of the systems - wither the one Eion proposed, or mine, would be a GREAT improvement the discourage first blood RDMs, keep RDMers in line, and make people less paranoid about karma loss.


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