.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Projects
The Care Package
--- Quote from: SKRUZO on August 07, 2010, 06:50:43 PM ---An idea, thatyou can reject is that there is a healing power that you get with something like 100 kills that you must then earn ammo for helping others and finaly redeem a zombie, like a phsycic ability, this can be a view of the fists or possibly a new view i found like this: "http://my.opera.com/JagsTreehouse/blog/the-psychic-fair" , no idea why its that site but the picture is good. this weapon could have either the ability i mentioned earlier or could just aid the zombie by giving them 2 redeem points or whatever. it should have 100% acuracy and 1 ammo. aid redeem or full reddem. ope ya like it.
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This should be the monty python Holy Hand Grenade: Monty Python-Holy Hand Grenade
It would kill zombs but add 2 redeem points, or maybe just kill all the zombies.
Please before you get all hatred on me, I read this for about 10 minutes and even though this guy got banned he had a decent idea. If and I mean IF anyone wants to start posting on this again because it was in fact a good idea. If not a admin can lock this now.
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