Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!



Hello! I'm new to the random community but i play TTT and Zombie survival.


Hello, Deathstrike! Welcome to rNd forums!

I'm redeclipse and you'll see me on rNd servers just about twice or so ...every. single. day.
Anyways, feel free to PM me if you'd like to be my friend!... (more importantly, if you have any problems, i'd contact an administrator/moderator by selecting the 'Members' Tab and click the 'Position' Button right after the 'MSN' catagory. Then you'll find a list of the highest ranks (including the administrators, like coolzeldad, for instance) and...you'll know what to do when you do what you have to.

Once again, Welcome to rNd Forums!...have a fantastic stay!  :thumbsup:

-R.E. | (redmungo@hotmail.com)


--- Quote from: redeclipse on January 11, 2012, 05:39:17 PM --- :)

Hello, Deathstrike! Welcome to rNd forums!

I'm redeclipse and you'll see me on rNd servers just about twice or so ...every. single. day.
Anyways, feel free to PM me if you'd like to be my friend!... (more importantly, if you have any problems, i'd contact an administrator/moderator by selecting the 'Members' Tab and click the 'Position' Button right after the 'MSN' catagory. Then you'll find a list of the highest ranks (including the administrators, like coolzeldad, for instance) and...you'll know what to do when you do what you have to.

Once again, Welcome to rNd Forums!...have a fantastic stay!  :thumbsup:

-R.E. | (redmungo@hotmail.com)

--- End quote ---

Welcome to the forums!

There are countless people here who are willing to help you out with almost anything.
I can try to help you out as best as I can with anything you need before I direct you to someone else.

Hope you stay ; )


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