Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hello everyone!


Hello there, I like to play on Stronghold, TTT and the Zombie Survival servers. I have been playing since some time in 2009 or 2008 if my memory is correct. (I've had many name changes) But I was too lazy to make an account. so hai dere

Hai dere :D

Welcome to our forums and i hope you enjoy our good servers even more  :)

Hello there, kamikaze! Welcome to the forums...  ;D

Well, not much to say...but you can apply for things like 'Regular', 'VIP', 'Admin'-Under the 'Promotions' Catagory (Scroll down from the top of the homepage and you'll find it)

I've also seen you around rNd, haven't I? ...Anyway, once again, welcome to the forums! :thumbsup:


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