Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Sype3076`s Regular Appilcation (10/1/2012)
Alex`s Regular Application!
Steam: sype3076
In-Game Name: .:RND`=- sype3076
Time online: 5:00 weekdays to 9:00 and on weekends all day baby :D
Servers: All except greenshift
Age: 16
Games (on Steam):
Location: Illinois.USA
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I want to be Regular so i can help the VIP`s
And I want to use the Save sled thing on SB. I should be it cause i help new people im good with situations that people come into./color]
Contributions to RND: None but im making a map for TTT for RANDOMGS
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:
>Thanks for taking time to read my app<
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!
Seems legit.
king pwner1:
:thumbsup: helped me with Zs
Sgt zombakilla:
--- Quote from: king pwner1 on January 11, 2012, 11:02:55 AM --- :thumbsup: helped me with Zs
--- End quote ---
:thumbsup: same thing here
I remember seeing you somewhere around rNd... yeah, you're a pretty nice guy and I guess that is all I'd like to say.
Oh, man!... I almost forgot, :thumbsup:
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